How to Survive the Second Great Depression

A new book by JSB Morse reveals just how we got into the economic mess (which he calls the Second Great Depression) and provides unique and clever ways of taking advantage of the situation. He focuses on ways to take advantage of the government, which he places at the root of the problem.  Paralleling books like Meltdown and Economics In One Lesson, Surviving the Second Great Depression takes the next level and show you how to turn the table on the ugly economy. From the book:

cover_m.jpgDouble-digit unemployment. Housing prices plummeting. One of the largest stock market crashes in history. There’s no doubt that we’re in a serious economic crisis, perhaps even the Second Great Depression. Many in the federal government want you to be afraid of economic collapse so that they can take advantage of American workers with more taxes, more debt, and earmarks coming out of their ears. What’s worse, Congress is pushing government solutions to problems that government actually created-a vicious cycle that needs to end.

Until we can return to a fiscally sound government, there’s only one thing we can do with this economic situation: capitalize on it. You can do so by taking advantage of low interest rates, government stimulus programs, and inflation of the U.S. Dollar. You can also obtain government grants, take unemployment money, and start a business to reduce your tax obligations. And if all else fails, you can take your business offshore. This book will show you how to do all of that and more in easy step-by-step techniques. Stop being afraid of another economic depression and start taking advantage of the government that is trying to take advantage of you!

Where to get it: Barnes & Noble, Lulu, Compass Marketplace Amazon

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