“Paleo Diet” is healthy, not complete

51254+9nRxLI’d like to take a moment and congratulate Mr. Cordain on a great diet plan, but also stress the differences between his diet and my “Evolution Diet“. While the books are similar in concept- eating like we were designed to eat- there are some major differences that readers should note before forming any opinion of either.

First off, the Paleo Diet recommends all natural, healthy foods- foods that one could find while walking around in nature: vegetables, fruits, animal meats (Cordain promotes lean meats) and the like. This certainly mirrors a Stone-Age person’s diet, at least one who has the benefit of modern farming and shipping.

“The Evolution Diet,” on the other hand, includes some slightly-processed foods with all-natural ingredients, such as cheese, skim milk, whole-grain breads/crackers as well as the foods listed above. We believe that these foods are close enough structurally to natural foods, that we promote them as healthy additions to your diet. Cordain rightly sees these foods as artificial to an extent and wants you to avoid them (those with allergies to these foods may already be doing so).

Another discrepancy is that “The Evolution Diet” describes ‘when’ to eat certain foods, not just ‘what’ to eat. This is integral to perfect health and is lacking, unfortunately, in “The Paleo Diet”, these diet also help maintain a good weight, although if you want to lose weight fast, you can also have a liposuction with the best professionals you can find in the cosmetic surgery field.

Aside from that, “The Paleo Diet” is a great eating plan and one can achieve a very healthy lifestyle if one follows this plan.

To our health!

– JSB Morse

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